Happy birthday * yawn*

I am happy to announce that I passed away yesterday.

Now that I have your attention, rest assured I am alive and kicking. When celebrities pass away, there is an outpouring of love and messages that they never get to read. Wouldn’t it be nice if all that love was poured out while the individual was still alive? And why limit that to celebrities? It should be done for every person we care for or who matters to us. The best day of the year to do this? Their birthday, of course.

Nowadays a vast majority of birthday wishes are limited to a plain, dry ‘happy birthday person name’ message on the person’s Facebook wall or WhatsApp group. I too am guilty of such shallow greetings on many occasions. When we wish someone a happy birthday, let’s try to do it nicely by putting our heart into it and letting the person know why we feel they are special. Or share an old memory. Or something just a little more than happy birthday.

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The invention of language helped us to communicate effectively. Ironically, language is also a barrier to effective communication. The sender constantly translates thoughts to words. The receiver constantly translates those words to thoughts to form meaning. This exchange occurs in a noisy context that includes varying degrees of biases, agendas, personalities, perspectives, moods, competing priorities and distractions.

But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.

George Orwell

Communication will be most effective in a future where technology will enable exchange of thoughts without the use of language. When the need to master different aspects of communication from semantics, storytelling, body language, micro expressions, tonality will disappear, it will be the purest form of communication. Perhaps Neuralink or it’s future competitor will enable this language-less future.

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Get Back

Peter Jackson’s 3-part Beatles docu-series released by Disney is a treat for every Beatles fan, me included. There is enough chatter about it on the web, so I will limit my post to my random observations:

Paul was clearly the most ambitious of the lot and also the mastermind behind a lot of what the Beatles did. His focus, discipline and ability to do hard work, while shepherding the others, can be seen. He also cared about improving each day and making each day have meaning.

Ringo seemed to be the most laid back band member. He would simply do what he was told to do, without debating ideas.

John was vocal about what he thought, sometimes undiplomatic, unlike Paul. When George brought ‘I, Me, Mine’ to the group, John said to him, “Do you know we are a rock and roll band and what kind of songs we write?” Later Paul and Ringo provided their support for the song and it was eventually recorded.

You are a creative genius but your genius is curtailed by those around you. It would be unfulfilling and your only option would be to quit. Especially if you are also the quite one. That was the story of George Harrison.

When you become really good at what you do, life becomes fun. Billy Preston is a living (not literally) example. It was a joy to watch how effortlessly his musicality blends in, and how much fun he seems to be having in the studio.

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Space PR

Three billionaires successfully executed civilian space missions this year. The founders of Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic and SpaceX.

Bezos and Branson decided to venture out themselves on their space odyssey. Their intention to go on the space flight might have been to demonstrate its safety by risking their own lives. However, they faced criticism about inconsiderately spending insane amounts of money on their space joyride at a time when a large section of the society on the earth below was facing financial hardships in the COVID economy.

Musk pulled off his company’s first civilian space flight very differently. He could very well have but he didn’t go himself. A Netflix series shared with the world the stories of four citizen astronauts who would embark on this mission. Mission branding? Inspiration4. Can inspiration be criticized? Probably not. Like charity. The mission was linked to fundraising for children’s cancer research. The result? Only good press. Even though there was a billionaire on board.


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Heaven is a place on earth

Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try…

No hell below us, above us only sky.

John Lennon, 1971

Physically speaking, earth is as heavenly a body as any other heavenly bodies in the universe. Most religious texts, however, describe various versions of heaven as a place you go to after you are dead, provided you have committed good deeds in your life. Be a sinner, and you will end up in hell. This is similar to the most basic motivational technique of carrots and sticks, to drive certain behavior, applied at level of humanity. It is akin to how a kid may be promised a new bicycle upon scoring well in an exam, or a time-out if he or she continues a misbehavior.

Like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and many other religions, modern society (capitalism, democracy, freedom) has its own version of Heaven and Hell. If you work hard and intelligently, you can create a heaven for yourself right here on earth. If you waste your life or commit a crime, you will experience Hell right here as well. 

Today, technology has made many elements of Hindu heaven possible in real life. An example would be the Kalpavriksha. Just utter what you desire, akin to reciting a Shloka, and what you wish for will appear at your doorstep. (“Alexa, order a Martin acoustic Guitar…”). At the same time, technology has given rise to elements of Hell. In heaven, you should have all the time to do what you wish to do. But if heaven is on earth, in spite of all the technological advancements, we have only 35% of our lives (primarily weekends and holidays) to do what we would really rather do. Add social and family obligations, and that 35% can easily dwindle to 5%.

There are not a lot many people who have found their passion, let alone indulging in it for a living. Some people like to pursue it as a side business or a side hobby. So if you are unable to do what you love as a full time activity, the next best savior of an option that you have is to start loving what you do. Otherwise fulfillment in this life will be ever evasive. You may get reborn and have another shot at it, and even though the new you will be this you at the level of consciousness, the new you would ironically and unfortunately not be conscious of that connection. 

Likely not the perspective she was thinking of when she wrote this song

Stay safe everyone, from coronavirus, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, locust or alien invasions, riots, looters and bad cops, terror attacks, car prowlers, asteroids, layoffs and economic hardships, Netflix addiction, irritated spouses and kids, not to mention your own negativity and insanity…

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Too much of anything

Humans were hunter-gatherers. Then we discovered farming and started settlements, along fertile river banks. We formed tribes. The most wise and respected person was appointed as the tribe chief. His (yes, his) job was to protect the tribe from harm.

As populations grew, villages and towns were formed. Societal structures became more complex. Kingdoms started to appear. A kingdom requires a king. The first king was Gilgamesh of Mesopatamia, by the way. The political, military and financial powers rested with kings. Power is like Jim Carey’s mask. It brings your innermost desires to life. If you were kind, you would be a good king. If you were not kind, you would do anything to accumulate more power. Given limited resources, if you have more, your subjects will have relatively less. 

Fast forward to the British Empire of 18th century colonialism. The king (later queen) wanted to grow his undertaking, in his majesty’s case that meant more taxes. Almost the entire world soon comprised of British colonies. More and more taxes were collected from every colony regardless of living conditions. America, which was just another set of colonies, was the first to successful revolt and become ‘independent’ in 1776.

Democracy was invented. Instead of dynastic rule, people will rule themselves by electing a representative to best represent their interests. The intention was to transfer the political power back to the people. Government of, by and for the people.

While there were wealthy traders earlier also, America also found capitalism. If you own assets, you can use them to generate wealth. There would be no limit to how wealthy you can become. Kings no longer exist in this society and they are not supposed to be the wealthiest entity in the system. 

However, too much of anything is bad. The same disparities which had caused the people around the world to reject the British crown, have again appeared in the new system, in a matter of two and a half centuries. The government of the people (President, Senate, House) supposedly comprises of elected representatives. However, what these elected representatives do is influenced by the wealthy. Together, billionaires and government represent the new king. Kings’s fatwa has now taken the form of a debated law, or sometimes more literally an executive order. The exploitation of people in terms of minimal wages is again unleashed, just the perpetrators have changed from kings to capitalists, while being lawful of the law they try to influence for their benefit.

The stock market is actually a good means to distribute wealth. Just like liberals and socialists fight for universal health insurance, there needs to be a fight for universal wealth insurance via ownership of stocks (only 50% Americans own stocks). In that sense companies like REI, PCC and 40,000 others across 14 industries present a good ownership model via cooperatives. As opposed to taxing the wealthy and then redistributing that wealth via social programs, let the redistribution occur at source. 

Billionaires are indeed the new kings (like CXOs are the new chiefs). Only a very few are spiritual or kind and consider the world at large to be their family. Bill Gates being the shiniest example, in my opinion. Nothing wrong with billionaires if the middle class continues to grow. Let some people experience the materialistic Heaven on earth but not at the cost of many experiencing hell. If the middle class is shrinking as the media tells us constantly, then the system has failed itself, at least on economic disparity front, where it is regressing to the colonial period. The flickering startup revolutions like ‘Occupy Wall Street’ are a sign that people have had enough. The masqueraded economic suppression will find a way out. On the socialism-capitalism continuum, either extreme poses a danger to the US constitution.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

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Camp – memoir of a 5th grader

When I was in fifth grade, life was as good as it could be. I went to a great school, had a nice teacher, a handful of likeminded friends and a supportive family. What more could a girl like me ask for?

Even before I got into fifth grade, I was overly excited for the fifth grade camp! I remember imagining about it all the time. Camp, for me, would be the ultimate transition from elementary to middle school. The camp experience would make me feel more independent and ready.

Finally, the camp day came. I had packed my new sleeping bag, my minty toothpaste, and all the necessities, and put them in my soft, orange, duffle bag which was then put into a plastic trash bag.

T writing her memoir assignment, ​April 28, 2020
T writing her memoir assignment, April 28, 2020

We had just hopped off the 20 mile bus ride, full of excitement and laughter. When we had gotten off, everyone was speechless. “CAMP WARM BEACH”, the sign said. It was beautiful. We were covered by the forests of lush, greenery and birds singing their songs. Finding out what my cabin was, was the best! I got Aspen cabin and bunked with my friends, of course, I had top bunk :-). The mess hall was next. I wondered if we would have a good fight, like they did in the movies, though I didn’t want to get my only pair of shoes messy :-).

The food in the mess hall was expectedly delicious and unexpectedly inviting. My tastebuds were having more fun than I was, and I was having a lot of fun :-).

Speaking of fun, the activities were a pleasure. I remember going rock climbing the first time and I even made it to the top in a race! Also, swimming at the pool was great! However my favorite was when it was the second day, when we were roasting marshmallows under the breezy Seattle wind, when the sky was clear and you could see the stars. Overall, it was a great experience.

If you were a fifth grader, like me, in the year of 2020, you know camp never happened. The world was stricken with coronavirus. How I wish my camp memoir was real. However, no pandemic can take away my imaginary camp from me.

The original writeup
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Amazon created the smart speaker category a few years ago when it launched Alexa devices. Just Google or Bing ‘smart speaker market’ to see how this has since become an industry in itself. Many homes are infiltrated with Alexas and Google Homes. Supposedly compromised privacy in exchange for some convenience.

When smartphones usage started overtaking that of desktops or laptops, it became imperative for all websites to ensure they rendered well on mobile devices. Would it not be nice if websites had an audio version too? It would be called ‘websounds’. An example:

Me: Alexa, take me to apple.com.

Alexa: Opening Apple.com. Would you like to browse hear about products or support or perform a search?

Me: Search Airpods.

Alexa: We have three products under Airpods category. Airpods, Airpods Pro and Airpods 2nd generation. Which one would you like to hear about?

Me: Airpods Pro.

Alexa: Airpods Pro have active noise cancellation, transparency mode, and a customizable fit. Would you like to learn more or buy for $249?

Me: Buy.

Alexa: Placing order. Shipping to your home address in two days. Say OK to confirm, or cancel to cancel.

Me: OK.

Today, Alexa also allows placing verbal orders on Amazon. With websounds, each website will have an option to render an audio version with content and e-commerce transaction options.

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Industry Baggage

King County Library System (KCLS) is funded by property taxes. Not only does it offer a wide collection of books and magazines as you would expect from any good library, it also offers e-books, music CDs, e-books, even devices, and the list goes on. They have red colored library-t0-go trucks in which the library can come to your school once every week, carrying books that would appeal to the targeted age group. On the digital front, the KCLS mobile app allows you to check out Kindle books and also integrates with Audible, Overdrive and several other formats and channels. So much innovation and it is incredibly impressive. Their tag line is – ‘Turn to us. The choices will surprise you.”

So far so good. Many times when I try to check out a book using the app, the app tells me ‘All copies in use’ and gives me an option to put my selection on hold. I will be notified via email once a patron returns their checked-out copy, and the book will be ready for me to check out at my selected library location. Understandable, because books are physical in nature, and there are limited number of copies to go around. The problem is that this even happens with e-Books!

All copies in use

The music industry has evolved its business model such that the same song can be streamed unlimited number of times, simultaneously, by an infinite number of people. The artist or the entity with the rights to that song is paid a royalty each time the song is streamed. The book industry on the other hand digitized the books into digital formats, but has been unable to transform its traditional business models, especially when it comes to their contracts with libraries. Even though technologically it is possible to eliminate wait times from the customer experience, the real transformation will occur when entities in the ecosystem rewrite their contractual relationships to exploit digital possibilities.

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The Virus War

Many of us relate to world wars as historic events of the past. Typically, our only exposure to them is limited to a sepia documentary footage on Netflix, or perhaps in a book if it’s an area of interest. We never hope to see another world war in our lifetime. The world is more interconnected than ever. All countries understand that no one can be a real winner in a mass global conflict. Everybody loses and it’s only the degree of loss that differs. This makes us practice diplomacy for the most part to maintain peace and world order.

A pandemic, as I am coming to realize, is not much different from a war. I oxymoronically call it a ‘peaceful war’. Quarantine orders keep you home almost like blackout orders during war times. Social media activity replaces the radio walkie-talkies that battalions of soldiers use to caution each other of the enemy’s movements. The economic impact has started with workers losing jobs as shops, restaurants and small businesses shut down. Factories are repurposing their skills to mass produce essentials like masks and sanitizers.

This pandemic is a world war.

This is indeed a war. It is World War 3. Like a world war, it started in one region and has sucked into it every inhabitable region on earth. It is a war not among countries, but with a common enemy that is known but invisible. This Coronovirus enemy is like the Greek trojan horse. It may look like a friend whose hands you shake, or a checkout screen at a retail counter that you unsuspectingly touch, but it can devastate your health or of those around you by making you its carrier. Even visually, some cities across the world have started to look like war zones with the military coming out to help us conquer this enemy. 

We all know, or at least hope, that it is only a matter of time when the health impact of this virus will be contained. We also fear, rather know, that its economic wreckage will be gruesome and long lasting. Even the best economists do not have a foolproof template to prevent a recession. The economy is like a vast manmade ocean. A pandemic is an underwater earthquake that causes an economic tsunami. Those living on the coasts are hit first and worst. In our connected world, very few live far from that ocean. Unfortunately, these times stress-test and mostly expose our social safety nets.

The human brain took us to the top of the food chain. This virus is giving human intelligence a tough fight. We know how to stop it from spreading. However, our political structures and consequently the responses, differ from country to country. Sometimes even from state to state. We have learnt about flattening the curve. The corresponding twitter hashtags almost feel like a message transmission among a rabble of bees. The authorities are experimenting with different approaches to flatten that curve. Some governments are implementing a top-down approach with curfews and lockdowns, while others are providing guidance and letting people self-police their behavior. It is a balancing act between the health and economic impact.

Though at the moment we are most concerned about human well-being, the virus should also remind us of the harm we have caused to thousands of other species. They do not have the gift of human consciousness. They simply go extinct when faced with an external adversity, without ever sensing any danger around them. 

So, yes – the war. The healthcare workers are clearly our frontline soldiers in this war and we salute them. We have so many other professions to be appreciative of. The retail and supply chain workers who are striving to keep our food supplies intact. The airline pilots and industry workers who are extracting people from high risk areas and bringing them back to their home countries. The technology industry which is enabling work from home while keeping people entertained, and supporting uptime of many other industries. The list is endless. These unsung heroes deserve our salutes. We are living through historic times that will be remembered in the twenty-second century and beyond. 

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