The 2008 US presidential race has caught my interest as it must have of many people who are witnessing the heated debates among the candidates, and the analysis on news channels like CSPAN & CNN that takes place thereafter and therebefore. After Obama’s glorious victory in Iowa, and Clinton’s equally inglorious 3rd place finish behind Edwards, it seems Clinton’s campaign was determined to deploy any tactics to make her win New Hampshire. Here is what I see as the reasons for Clinton’s NH victory, some of which are also being discussed by the media:
1. The emotional diner moment – I would hesitate to believe that it was a natural display of Hillary’s emotions. I think it was a deliberate ploy suggested by her campaign which she manoeuvred rather convincingly to show her true self. “Since when did experience become a deterrent”. Now I am sure that Hillary is a true American and not a traitor, but I dont think she would be as strong a president as her husband was.
2. The likeability question by ABC’s NH Political Director – though this is not something which has been attributed as a reason for her NH victory by the media, I think this was another opportunity that Hillary got to show her emotional side to the American people. The question asked of Hillary was – what do you have to say to the voters who are in agreement with her stand on issues, thinks she will be a good president, but likeability is a concern. Hillary responded, ‘that hurts my feelings’ and Obama went on to say, ‘you are likeable enough’. Overall this tilted the electorate in her favor.
3. The abortion related procession during Obama’s campaign speech on the eve of NH primaries – this is also something which has not been at all discussed much in the media. Obama had just started off with his speech when a group of people on whom the cameras never focussed, started making a noise against Obama’s views on abortion. Did Obama handle that situation very effectively? I would say no. He just walked off on one side of the stage and though he tried to silence that mob, his response was not the most effective one. I wonder if the mob was placed there by Clinton’s campaign!
4. Bill Clinton’s comments on the morning of NH primaries – where he called Obama’s campaign a fairy tale and questioned his track record. This certainly would have impacted a lot of voters’ perceptions against Obama.
These were all the events which took place very close to the NH primaries and were the reasons why the opinion polls that projected Obama as the winner ended up being proved wrong.
So overall its a very exciting race and has even led me to blog about it. Until I had heard Obama or Clinton, I had thought that Clinton would make the best possible choice and I think she gets a lot of branding benefit from her husband. On the other hand Obama needs to work on creating and increasing his brand value based on what he stands for – CHANGE. And it is so amusing that all the candidates on both democratic and republican sides are now all talking about change. Hillary has changed her campaign slogan from ‘Ready to Lead’ to ‘Ready for Change – Ready to Lead’
There have also been some very exciting exchanges in the debates. One of my favorites was when Clinton commented that however beautiful words may be, they are not action, referencing to the rosy speeches made by Obama. After this she went on to talk about her experience, then the discussion went on with the moderator making some comments followed by a commerical break. When the debate resumed, Edwards spoke for 2 minutes on something. Then it was Obama’s turn and he also expressed his views on the issue being discussed. However, then he started off by responding to Hillary’s ‘words are not actions statement’. He said – the truth is words do inspire, words do bring people together, words do… I think that was an awesome response and one of the highlights of the NH debates. It also showcased what a smart man Obama is.
If I had the privilege to vote for the next American President, as of today my preferences would be as below along with reasons:
1. Barack Obama (D) – comes across as a real leader and can change America for the better
2. Ron Paul (R) – talks the truth and is a fundamental economist
3. John Edwards (D) – another genuine candidate though is more domestically focused
4. Hillary Clinton (D) – I would not mind her being the President either
Remains to be seen how America votes. The good news is that the next President would certainly be better than the current one.